Paweł | 41
Paweł | 41
  • Login: SADI
2014-06-15 16:15:07

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Who I am

My name is: Paweł

I'm ( ) years old: 41

My gender: Male

City: Lublin | Polska

On this portal I am looking for: Women

Education: Higher

Do I have children?: I don't have

Do I want to have children?: Yes

Marital status: Single male

Hair color: Dark blonde

Eyes color: Grey

Height: 176 cm

Drinking alcohol: I like occasionaly

Smoking: I smoke

A few words about me: A-rogancki B-eszczelny C-ałuśny D-rapieżny E-lokwentny F-iglarny G-apowaty H-uligan ;) I-roniczny J-adowity K-ochany L-itościwy ;) M-iły N-iezastąpiony O-brażal ski P-ieszczotliwy R-ezolutny S- zalony U-party W-redny Y-eti d(-_-)b hehe Z-azdrosny

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