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ładnie wyglądasz,ja mieszkam w Stąporkowie obecnie jestem w niemczech
2017-11-22 18:45:11

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Who I am

My name is: STELLA

I'm ( ) years old: 69

My gender: Female

City: Skarżysko-Kamienna | Polska

On this portal I am looking for: Men

My current job: Other

Education: Secondary

Do I have children?: I have

Do I want to have children?: No

Marital status: Divorced female

Hair color: Black

Eyes color: Other

Physique: Normal

Height: 156 cm

Drinking alcohol: I don't like

Smoking: I don't smoke

I am looking for: Friendship, Men

A few words about me: Jestem miłą osobą nie lubię kłamstwa obłudy i tego oczekuję od pana którego poznam. Jestem brunetką, lubię przyrodę spacer, zwierzęta.Pozdrawiam panów.

Find the man with the desired qualities. Concentrate on your desires, look for the right person and make a decision to try online dating. The ball is in your court, go out and find love. Find the service with offers, complete the registration process and feel really alive. From many users, decide on the guy, who will be the right choice. If you're lonely, however you're extremely shy, on our service you'll find happiness.
Safe dating portal.Test out online dating and become infatuated in city Skarżysko-Kamienna.The high number of users.Portal for singles Skarżysko-Kamienna.Find unusual people near Skarżyska-Kamiennej.