miilutkipawel | 60
miilutkipawel | 60
  • Login: miilutkipawel
  • Activity: Days ago
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Who I am

My name is: miilutkipawel

I'm ( ) years old: 60

My gender: Male

City: Ruda Śląska | Polska

On this portal I am looking for: Women

My current job: Pensioner

Education: Secondary

Do I have children?: I have

Do I want to have children?: No

Marital status: Married male

Hair color: Dark blonde

Eyes color: Green

Physique: Normal

Height: 178 cm

Drinking alcohol: I like occasionaly

Smoking: I smoke

I am looking for: Women

A few words about me: jestem nieporawnym romantykiem oraz szerym do bolu facetem ktory wie czego oczekuje od partnerki.

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