rette_mich | 33
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po latach.. ;)
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Who I am
My name is: rette_mich
I'm ( ) years old: 33
My gender: Female
City: Gorzów Wielkopolski | Polska
On this portal I am looking for: Men
My current job: Student/pupil
Education: Primary
Do I have children?: I don't have
Do I want to have children?: Yes
Marital status: Single female
Hair color: Light blonde
Eyes color: Other
Physique: Normal
Height: 166 cm
Drinking alcohol: I like occasionaly
Smoking: I smoke
I am looking for: Friendship, Love, Fun, Men
A few words about me: Witam. ;) JEstem MArta.. obecnie mieszkam na Mallorce. Jezeli chcesz korespondowac to pisz. ;)) dziekuje wszystkim za komentarze... ;) choc zdjeciA MAJA przeszlo 3 lata. ;)
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